- since 2011 – lives and works in Berlin
- 2010 – Goethe Institute, travel grant for mandala research project at Dharamsala and Dheli, India, for 3 months
- 2007 – Foundation of Asketen des Luxus (Ascetics of Luxury) – Konvent der goldenen Eßstäbchen (Convent of Golden Chopsticks) together with Prof. Dr. Bazon Brock and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich
- 2005 – German Academic Exchange Service scholarship for residency of 6 months in Tokyo, Japan Development grant in Fine Arts from the City of Munich for the project Alles muß rein! (Reversed Clearance Sale)
- 2003 – M.A., Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich Development grant in Fine Arts from the City of Munich, Project grant in fine arts from the City of Munich, Awarded Kunst für Konsum prize (together with Rupert Hofmann) 2004, Work grant, Kunstfond Bonn
- 2001 – DFJ (Franco-German Youth Office) scholarship, Nizza (Villa Arson), France
- 1996–2003 – Fine Art (sculpture), master student, class of Prof. Olaf Metzel, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich
- 1994–2000 – Studio in Los Angeles, USA
- 1994 – Vocational school for wood carving, Munich (discontinued)
- 1994 – Travels in Asia
- 1994 – Stage-set intern at the Bavarian State Opera, Munich
- 1993/94 – Zeiler Drawing School, Munich
- 1993 – A-levels, Sophie-Scholl Gymnasium, Munich
- 1972 – born in Munich

Solo Exhibitions
- 2021 – Museum Starnberger See, Starnberg, (“Konsumbibliothek”, (Library of Consumer Products)
- 2020 – Kunsthalle Göppinge, Göppingen, “Konsumbibliothek – Kunstfreiheit – Demokratie-Konsumfreiheit”, (Library of Consumer Products – Freedom of Art – Democracy – Freedom of Consum)
- 2019 – Kunsthaus Kunstverein Potsdam, „Konsum Erkenntnisse – Ikebana und Konstruktivismus als Denkhilfen, (Consumer Understanding – how Ikebana and Constructivism can be a help for thinking), ZIF Universität Bielefeld, „die starke Konsumentin stellt Ihre Konsumprodukte vor“, (The Powerful Consumer shows her Consumer Products), HKBU Gallery, Baptiste Univertity, Hong Kong, China ( „Heaven on Earth – do it yourself“)
- 2018 – Denkerei, Berlin, Konsumbibliothek für und mit Bazon Brock (Library of Consumer Products – in cooperation with Bazon Brock)
- 2017 – Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt, Konstruktivistischer Supermarkt (Constructivist Supermarket), exhibition and procession with talk by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich, Art in Public Space, Culture Department Munich, Konsum-Werte-Madonna (Consumer Value Madonna), 2 art actions with demonstration, performance, musicians und talk, Museo de Architectura, Buenos Aires, Ikabana Urbano (Urban Ikebana)/ Argentina
- 2016 – Private Viewing, Müller-Rischart, Munich (with Tim Bennett)
- 2015 – Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt and Edeka Wendler supermarket, Jetzt noch mehr Inhalt! (Now, with even more content!)” Konsumkonstruktivismus (Consumerismconstructivism), Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Konsumidealismus (Idealistic Consumerism), Edeka supermarket
- 2014 – Kunstverein – Allgemeiner Konsumverein, Braunschweig, Konsummandala (Consumerism Mandala) and art action, Konsum – Dank – Fest (Consumerism – Thanksgiving – Party), Kohlmarkt, Galerie Tanit, Munich, Kauf Dich frei (Shopping for Liberation!), exhibition, with Canvas Demo, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Cologne, Konsumkonstuktivismus, (Consumerismconstructivism)
- 2013 – Galerie 18m, Berlin, Konsumkonstruktivismus II, (Consumerismconstructivism II)
- 2011 – Galerie 18m, Berlin, Konsumkonstruktivismus I, (Consumerismconstructivism I)

- 2010 – LudwigInzert/Ludwigmuseum, Budapest, Konsum Mandala (Consumerism Mandala), Ho-ki-ti showroom,Berlin, Fotografie Stephanie Senge (Stephanie Senge Photography), Galerie Bruckmühle, Pregarten, Austria, Soziale-Ikebana-Plastik (Social Ikebana Sculpture) with customers
- 2009 – Galerie 18m, Berlin, Frühblüher (Early Bloomers)
- 2008 – ZKM (Center for Art and Media), Karlsruhe, Der starke Konsument (The Powerful Consumer), exhibition with Konsum-Prozession (Consumerism-Procession) demo and symposium (with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich), Kunstraum, Munich, Von der Wertschätzung (About Appreciation), exhibition with joint art action/lecture from Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich, Galerie Six Friedrich Lisa Ungar, Ike-100-Yen- Shop, Kunstmuseum, Wolfsburg, Ike-100-Yen-Shop, exhibition with Ikebana Performance (with Bazon Brock)
- 2007 – Galerie Coexist, Tokyo, Verkehrtes Ikebana (Twisted Ikebana), Rathausgalerie, Munich, Der glückliche Konsument (The Happy Consumer), exhibition with Konsum-Prozession (Consumerism-Procession) demo and series of lectures (with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich)
- 2006 – 18m Galerie für Zahlenwerte, Berlin, 100 Yen. Frisches aus Japan (100 Yen. A Fresh Taste of Japan), exhibition with Ikebana Performance with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich, Galerie Six Friedrich Lisa Ungar, Art Cologne, New Talents Show
- 2005 – Nippon International Performance Art Festival Gallery, Nagano, Japan, Super Japan –share refreshment! Come to see the show –that goes perfectly with good times

- 2004 – Junge Kunst e.V., Wolfsburg, Zu viel ist nicht genug (Too Much is not Enough), Rote Zelle, Munich, Alles mußrein! (Reversed Clearance Sale)
- 2003 – mini salon, Munich, Hurra, wie ziehen zusammen! (Hurray! We’re Moving in Together!)
- 2002 – Rathausgalerie, Munich, die zwei (The Two of Us) (with Nevin Aladag)
- 2001 – U-Bahn Galerie, Munich, Konsumbad der Liebe wegen (Consumerist Bath out of Love)
- 2000 – Kunstakademie Raum 110, Alles aus Liebe gekauft (Everything bought out of Love)
- 1999 – Kilombo, Munich, California Dreaming
Group Exhibitions ( Selection)

- 2017 – Kallman Museum, Ismaning, Schön vergänglich –Blumen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst (Beautifully Transient – Flowers in Contemporary Art)
- 2016 – Re New Festival Pittsburgh, Mandala von und für Pittsburgh (Consumerism Mandala from and for Pittsburgh), Santa Monica Art Center, Drap-Art, Barcelona,Konsum-Prozession, Konsumieren-verschwenden-verwandeln- Dankbarkeit (To consume – to waste – to change – to appreciate), exhibition with Konsum- Prozession (Consumerism Procession), demo, Neue Galerie im Haus Beda, Bittburg, Blütenpracht (Flowerage)
- 2015 – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Munich, Passing by – Schöpferstelle- schöpfen & schenken , (Place of Creation – create & give), with Maike Gräf
- 2014 – Quadrienale Dusseldorf, action in Ehrenhof Konsummandala von und für Düsseldorf (Consumerism Mandala from and for Düsseldorf), Galerie Prisma, Bozen, For Sale (with Christine Gallmetzer)
- 2012 – Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Heb mich auf! (Pick me up!), Luftmuseum Amberg, Pop! Platz! Pfff…, City Gallery, Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Alvar Blume (Alvar Flowers), Motorenhalle, Dresden, Phänomen Wohlstand (The Phenomenon of Affluence)
- 2011 – Kunstverein Offenburg, Stephanie Senge und Piotr Iwicki, Galerie Axel Obiger, Berlin, shopping = happiness, Kunsthaus Muerz, Mürzzuschlag, Austria, über dinge (on things), Galerie Tanit, Munich, form meets minimal, Bayerisches National Museum, Rischarts Projekt-11, Munich, Kunstrausch (Art Inebriation), Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, I love Aldi, Drap- Art, Barcelona, Spain, Konsummandala von und für Barcelona (Consumerism Mandala from and for Barcelona), Placa des Angeles /SE

- 2009 – Rathausgalerie, Munich, Asketen des Luxus, Geist und Macht, Markt und Vernunft, Glaube und Wissen (Mind and Power, Market and Reason, Belief and Knowledge)
- 2008 – Cabaret Voltaire DaDa, Zürich, Fuga Saeculi, Rathausgalerie, Munich, Asketen des Luxus, Gott und Müll (God and Garbage)
- 2007 – Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Alles im grünen Bereich (Everything is OK), CCCB- u. FAD – Museum, Barcelona, Drap Art –International Festival of Recycling Art , Rathausgalerie, Munich, Asketen des Luxus, Liebe als Form der Nachhaltigkeit- zur Ökonomie von Lust, Luxus und Verzicht (Love as a Form of Sustainability – the Economy of Lust, Luxury and Renunciation)

- 2006 – Galerie Netuschil, Darmstadt, Der gedeckte Tisch (The Set Table)
- 2005 – Lamontstrasse 23, Munich, Schöner Wohnen (Better Living), Verein für Originalradierung, München e.V., 24h, Aidlack Art Hall, Tokyo, Japan, Performance now and today
- 2004 – Galterie Kampl, Munich, Art Cubicl
- 2002 – Pasinger Fabrik, Munich, Schönheit und Neid (Beauty and Envy),
- 2001 – lothringer 13/HALLE, Munich, inSITEout
- 2000 – Schutzbunker Luisenplattform, Munich, Bombenstimmung (Terrific Atmosphere), Hotel Mariandl, Munich, Zimmer frei (Vacancies)
- 1999 – Diözesanmuseum, Freising, Schöpfung (Creation)

Lectures / Talks / Demonstrations
Denkerei, Berlin, 2018
Demonstration, ” Konsum-Werte-Madonna”, Am Römer, Frankfurt/Main, 2017
Denkerei, Berlin, 2016
Demonstration, ” Leinwand Demo” (Canvas – Demonstration), Max-Monument, Munich, 2014
Demonstration,”Konsum-Dank-Fest” (Consumerism – Thanksgiving – Party), Am Kohlmarkt, Braunschweig, 2014
Museum der Dinge, Museumsakademie, Berlin, 2014
Demonstration, ” der starke Konsument” (The Powerful Consumer), market place, Wolfsburg, 2012
Demonstration, “Leinwand Demo”(Screen Demonstration), shopping centre, Ludwigshafen, 2011
Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe, 2011
Universität Tübingen/Museum, Tübingen, 2011
Museumsakademie, Johanneum, Graz, Austria, 2009
ZKM (Center for Art and Media), Karlsruhe, talk, demonstration, Stephansplatz, 2008
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2008
Coexist Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2007
Art & Design University, Nagano, Japan, 2005